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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: Nakano Azusa -DJ Sona ver- 001.png (1040 KB, 2483x2178)
I still haven't finished this.
File: 2016-01-16-tailred-002.png (155 KB, 557x828)
Or this.
File: 1453089526064.png (205 KB, 557x828)
File: livestream-2016-01-15-001.png (694 KB, 2971x1250)
I rarely ever finish anything anyway.

in one go. it's done when you post it, then you post new shit.
File: image.png (1190 KB, 640x1136)
Top Chii.
File: image.png (245 KB, 640x1136)
Apparently I have to draw in the morning too when I only have 20-30 minutes before I have to get ready and leave for work.

it's in the rules, mang
If you aren't drawing every single minute of every single day, you're not drawing enough.
File: Nakano Azusa -DJ Sona ver- 002.png (313 KB, 2483x2178)
At least I got flats and basic eye stuff down now. And fixed some anatomy things.

The eye size bugs me though. They probably should be smaller.
the left eye (further from camera) is too wide.
File: Nakano Azusa -DJ Sona ver- 003.png (294 KB, 3872x2178)
I guess fixed now.
File: Nakano Azusa -DJ Sona ver- 003.png (278 KB, 3872x2178)
Fixed positioning a bit. (Rule of Thirds ftw)

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