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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: CLIPStudioPaint_2017-11-0(...).png (418 KB, 1279x903)
quickposes thread

File: CLIPStudioPaint_2017-11-0(...).png (239 KB, 1179x834)
these ones are worse than yesterday's I think I might have to do another round

60s limit is a bit frustrating but I won't have the incentive to go faster if I increase to 90 before I can consistently manage it
File: 2019-10-23_quickposes.png (1225 KB, 2133x1771)
File: CLIPStudioPaint_2019-12-3(...).png (266 KB, 1174x1040)
full poses 5m

feeling sluggo today
File: 006D28AE-9A29-49BA-8FEB-5(...).png (1286 KB, 2896x4096)

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