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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: 1453435909728.png (676 KB, 1378x890)
transplanting from the soon-to-die >>>/3/1

this doesn't really count as my holo-posting obligation, since it's all old
File: 1453465350264.png (101 KB, 446x413)
File: 1453465397704.png (283 KB, 514x816)
File: 1453465643968.png (210 KB, 581x666)
File: 1453465760792.png (184 KB, 1321x652)
and finally, this
File: textured.png (61 KB, 1314x765)
>>>/lua/5 would be proud
omg please post gif / .love file
those arms and shoulders are kind of shapeless, where's the forearm

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