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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: slime.png (105 KB, 543x352)
Is this how slime looks?
File: tegaki.png (9 KB, 400x400)
everyone knows that slime is a cat.
File: 1428966584242.jpg (54 KB, 500x375)
i have my own suspicions
File: slimethecat.png (5 KB, 640x400)
slime the cat
File: slimethecat.png (6 KB, 640x400)
File: tegaki.png (16 KB, 640x400)
oh nose
File: ss+(2016-03-16+at+07.32.12).png (285 KB, 434x376)

this is how slime look
>using names

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