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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: abraham_lincon_riding_gri(...).jpg (1482 KB, 1900x1200)
This is the official "Yell at holo to post sometimes" thread.

Holo; post something.
File: Screenshot from 2016-02-0(...).png (622 KB, 1152x839)
File: Screenshot from 2016-02-0(...).png (273 KB, 751x834)
did this all on stream today in ~8hrs (8:45 stream time, there were some short breaks)

long session
Looks awesome man... You need to make gifs/wembs of your rigged stuff.
the dirty secret of alice is that I didn't rig the model at all, just used some lattice deforms to get her into pose.

(murakumo is very much rigged, though.)
File: Screenshot from 2016-02-1(...).png (245 KB, 1328x595)
I didn't do any art in the last day

but I did go get a part time job so I guess that counts for something
File: Screenshot from 2016-02-2(...).png (254 KB, 475x720)
I forgot to post this yesterday
File: Screenshot from 2016-02-2(...).png (192 KB, 813x467)
File: Screenshot from 2016-09-1(...).png (199 KB, 890x518)
File: blender_2016-11-13_15-46-33.png (77 KB, 633x629)
working on a commission
File: tegaki.png (12 KB, 400x400)
File: tegaki.png (18 KB, 400x400)
File: 2016-11-29_22-49-08.png (92 KB, 505x722)
dat papi makes me hapi
File: blender_2017-01-13_16-31-45.png (139 KB, 792x749)

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