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/lua/ - Lua programming

Metatables for president

get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: Love-game-logo-256x256.png (12 KB, 256x256)
Let's get this party started! Please read the rules before posting, etc.
File: 1452802415531.png (127 KB, 497x448)
>Services you should use
Throw your code on hastebin.com or gist.github.com or nobody will help you
Use GitHub for things that need to last more than a short while. No bitching.

>Useful (free!) programs
Blender - blender.org
Krita - krita.org
Atom - atom.io

#love on irc.oftc.net. If you aren't there, we're already laughing at you behind your back and talking shit about your waifu.
According to some, Zerobrane is also a pretty great Lua IDE. Check it out too!
/love/ -> /lua/

enjoy your newfound freedoms

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