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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

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get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: 704B14E9-67A6-497F-95A5-9(...).jpeg (738 KB, 1500x1500)
draw more, i've been telling you for years!

holiday edition!

previous: >>611→
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color practice
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now with extra sauce
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The new colored works are really pretty. It is nice to see you experiment with new techniques.
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thank you!

i need to take it a bit easier with some of them for my hands, but it's fun to mix things up a bit with them
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twintail day
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half page
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special edition
special and apparently gigantic edition
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abridged version
You have some nice art, anon. Do you take suggestions/requests?
thank you!

every now and then i'll do draw thread requests, but i don't usually take requests directly
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That's impressive. Great work!
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spent a couple days on this one

thank you!
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need to remember to make a v2 of this one later
File: IMG_3828.jpeg (544 KB, 1500x1500)
What a great color work!
thank you!
I really like your drawings. Would you consider drawing this with your OC?: https://litter.catbox.moe/zctx8g.png
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it's the kind of thing i would draw anyways, so i might
Thank you for considering it.
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short page tonight
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Fantastic works!
thank you!
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a bit of screentones today
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Is your OC a loli, hebe or small chested adult? Given how you draw their body size a little different each time, its hard to tell.
I guess she is what they call a "neko" human/animal hybrid? Have you ever drawn humans or full anthro furry?
It's rewarding to see so much of your art posted here and to see you improve. Some very nice drawings and poses.
thank you!

she's an adult, despite drawing her in whatever way i feel like in the moment. design wise she's a hybrid but canonically she's got a fully artificial (i.e. prosthetic or android) body.

i draw regular humans fairly regularly, but more often for fanart. full furry isn't my thing but i've drawn some of my friend's furry characters before
>design wise she's a hybrid but canonically she's got a fully artificial (i.e. prosthetic or android) body.
Did you barrow inspiration for her design from any anime or manga?
I forgot to ask, does she have a name?

>full furry isn't my thing but i've drawn some of my friend's furry characters before
Would you mind sharing those, if possible? Curious to see.
>Would you mind sharing those, if possible?
it wasn't recently, don't know where any of those files even are.

>does she have a name?
her name is gold

>did you borrow inspiration for her design from any anime or manga?
not in any specific way, the oldest versions (before redesigning a few times) resembled my character in tera online but after that i just made whatever changes i liked. there was one version that resembled murakumo from kancolle for a while, but that didn't last long.

the original recognizable version was a prototype character for a game i was working on several years ago, i'm still using the same general setting and characters since then
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slow week due to sickness
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brought to you by the color red
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How is the blurring done?
Do you start drawing it sharp and then blur it o do you draw it blurry from the get go?
i draw it sharp and blur it later, usually, although sometimes i'll just draw it with an airbrush to begin with (i don't think i did that for anything in this thread at least)

i usually also omit some more details from the background if i know up front i'm going to be blurring it, so it's not excessively messy
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quick draw
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nothing to love ru wouldn't show
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wow where did these mysterious light beams come from
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Pardon for asking, but did you per chance ever draw the suggestion that was given here? >>1550
the link is dead, so i don't remember what it was
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spent a bit too long coloring

i forgot about it, i put it on my sketch canvas to try to remember this time so we'll see what happens
>i put it on my sketch canvas to try to remember this time so we'll see what happens
Thank you.

That is a nice pic you posted there.
I like how you drew the legs, and the fabric of the skirt.
I dig those shoes you always draw her wearing, I think they have a cool design.
I really like the amount of different body poses and camera angles you draw, lots of variety from the images posted here. Nice looking body anatomy as well. You sure know your stuff.
How many years have you been drawing? Did you take any classes, or study any books or online tutorials?
thank you, i'm doing my best.

i've been drawing infrequently for a very long time, but i started drawing every day about 5 or 6 years ago (the threads here go back further).

for the most part for study i'm self taught and just try to figure out anything i like that i come across, i took some basic classes as a kid but that's about all. feedback from other artists while i'm working on things has been great.

some reference books like hyper angle and sites like posemaniacs are very useful, and generally trying not to avoid things that seem difficult
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unrelated to next sketch pages
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same set
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File: 2023 12 12 one more extra.jpg (566 KB, 1500x1500)
also from yesterday
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File: 2023 12 14 tail kagamin.jpg (206 KB, 960x1024)
File: 2023 12 15 swim.jpg (576 KB, 1125x1500)
i ended up doing this, it was a fun idea.

have a nice day
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more butt
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Wow, I thought perhaps if you did it, it would be a simple black and white sketch with shading, but you went all out! That looks fantastic, great overall composition with the giant manta ray above her. The coloring really sets it off, some pleasant shades of blue throughout, with some nice caustics highlighting on her body. I love the body pose in how she is twisted, as well as how she is angled somewhat downwards, you can really feel the movement that she is swimming, accentuated by how the hair is loose and flowing. I really like the detail you put into the gear - the fins are long and well shaped, and the goggles are accurately formed around her face. It's a superb drawing overall, well done.
Do you size down/crop your draws for posting? If so, I'd love to see this at its original size uncropped.
I tried to draw you something to show my appreciation for drawing my suggestion. I know it's not much in terms of quality, but it's the best I can do: https://litter.catbox.moe/ku739b.png
If I am too assume that the opening post in thread No. 121 is yours from 2016, it is absolutely impressive how much your skills have grown as an artist. Seeing your progress is inspirational, and is evidence that if someone puts in enough time and practice, they can get somewhere with their art. I hope you are proud of how far you have come.
If you have any gallery besides this place to follow, please share.
File: 2023 12 24 lucky.jpg (544 KB, 1500x1500)
feeling lucky
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thank you for your kind words and cute drawing! it was fun to paint and felt like a good piece to give my all on.

i did paint it larger than i posted it, but it's not cropped (except for a small bleed border) & i made it to be viewed at that res.

>>121→ is also mine, yes. i also post my work on twitter @ mantafriend, and infrequently update the pixiv linked from there
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>thank you for your kind words and cute drawing!
You're welcome.
>i did paint it larger than i posted it
Curious, what resolution size do you usually draw in?
>& i made it to be viewed at that res.
Am I to assume a larger copy doesn't exist, as it's been saved over with the 1500px size? If that is the case, that's too bad, especially for something you put so much work into, I would have loved to have seen it at original size.
Would you happen to have the original black and white lines of her swimming available for viewing?
>i also post my work on twitter
I visited your Twitter, and was greeted by a nicely animated turnaround of your character, very consistent. That must have taken you a long time to make!
You get good view numbers on your drawings, which I feel is a special accomplishment considering that it's mostly focused on your characters and not fanart from shows. In my opinion it's harder to get views on original characters/ideas than it is to get on established franchise characters with large fandoms.
What is the name of the other female character I see your character occasionally showing affection towards? There is also a tiny female character in some drawings, and a prevalence of frogs.
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>Curious, what resolution size do you usually draw in?
i draw around 6000px, but i don't generally post any larger than 1500, the only thing i use the full res for is printing (which is why i don't post them)

>Would you happen to have the original black and white lines of her swimming available for viewing?
i do have some line layers, but most of the image was painted as-is

>turnaround of your character, very consistent. That must have taken you a long time to make!
thank you, and yes, it took several days of work.

>In my opinion it's harder to get views on original characters/ideas
yeah, it is, although after a few years of this my fanart posts don't do nearly as well as my original work does, with only a few exceptions such as >>1826 which the character designer caught & retweeted, that was wonderful.

>What is the name of the other female character I see your character occasionally showing affection towards?
Silica (often just called Sil)

>There is also a tiny female character in some drawings
Minisil, an assistant robot Silica made to help Gold with communication & misc stuff (Gold can't speak).

>and a prevalence of frogs
the frog's name is Albert
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w/guests today
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animated a gif but it doesn't work here, rip
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busy week
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busy month
i can't add new files or make new threads, so i'll have to see about clearing the board or fixing the db later

what a pain!

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