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/cr/ - Creative

Post, draw, and remix art

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get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: 704B14E9-67A6-497F-95A5-9(...).jpeg (738 KB, 1500x1500)
draw more, i've been telling you for years!

holiday edition!

previous: >>611→
271 posts and 245 files omitted. Click here to view.
File: 2024 06 14.jpg (512 KB, 1500x1125)
File: 2024 06 20 kagamin.jpg (316 KB, 1125x1500)
File: 2024 06 25.jpg (917 KB, 1500x1125)
File: 2024 07 18.jpg (345 KB, 1125x1500)
busy month
i can't add new files or make new threads, so i'll have to see about clearing the board or fixing the db later

what a pain!

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