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/lua/ - Lua programming

Metatables for president

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get that creepy shit out of here spambots i am sick of deleting it all the time

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File: 1 (1394).jpg (176 KB, 800x845)
Is this imageboard really made with Lua? based if true.
There seems to be no captcha? that screams botted spam
yup, made with Lua! check the GitHub link in the footer!

Bot spam stuff will come Soon(tm)!
Me again, 4 months later, how is the development going?
I've been slowly reworking the code to be much cleaner and run off an api so i can support other clients in the future~

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Should I?
probably yes
Sure! I just updated it to run in Docker so it shoudl be WAY easier to set up now. I knwo the code is pretty messy, I am hoping to sit down and clean it up now that I have a better understanding of Lapis.

Short term wants is to make the code cleaner and less buggy, long term I want lapchan to run on a RESTful API.

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and i had never heard of this until doing a bit of research.

honestly, this place is pretty comfy.
what happend to lunaboards, it seems down

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s-s-so... how do i learn lua?!!

by making things in lua

i recommend the love2d wiki as a starting point they have a lot of good stuff https://love2d.org/wiki

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File: wxlualogo.png (27 KB, 128x128)
check out wxLua its p cool
I want to know why this damn thing isn't in luarocks, it makes life much more difficult than it should be.
I dunno maybe compatibility issues, its based on wx which is also stand alone so yeah
time clock I wrote :3
File: dj.gif (1006 KB, 303x216)
My clock doesn't tell time. BUT I DON'T NEED THAT SHIZZ!

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12 posts and 7 files omitted. Click here to view.
File: Love2d.png (540 KB, 2000x2000)
You mean like this?
this is awesome - where's her flat sidekick you promised! <3
doing god's work, son
File: !!!.png (91 KB, 949x698)

File: 5b6.jpg (31 KB, 600x480)
>love board
>no pico8 board
who even uses pico8
indie retro tryhards
File: pico-8 gameplay.gif (171 KB, 269x173)
>pic related
nice, yours?

File: anime-girl-at-computer-1.jpg (13 KB, 316x237)
[code] ..... ..
.H8888888x. '`+ < .z@8"`
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d8888f '88888X "8888Y 8888" ?8888u../ 888E 9888.
:8888! ?8888> `Y" 'YP "8888P' '"888*" 4888"
X888! 8888~ "P' "" ""
'888 X88f

Fuck now has a lua implementation. This is the official lapchan thread!


Questions? Comments? Rude gestures? I'm here!

i'm making a game

if anyone thinks they can contribute to making this game, let me know, it's all hands on deck

if you want to know more information i can also talk about that
2 posts and 0 files omitted. Click here to view.
what would you like to know, #12

well #13 it doesn't quite talk yet, the vocal synthesizer for kinzo is currently under legal debate before i can add that one in, but i hope to see kinzo dancing with hatsune miku soon

lol nice one troll (#14)
use >>'s, it makes tracking conversations easier.
Whatever you want to tell us! What is the game about? What genre? How do you learn more about joining the team or contributing?
File: 1452577157928.jpg (9 KB, 480x320)
don't do that.

well the entire game's plot is actually a lie at the end, but the main goal is to stop these motherfuckers called "glitch kings" since the game is actually a VR simulation (but the main character doesn't know that), so he knows nothing about what's going on

it's a platformer but guess what there's some actual effort put into it and there's gonna be something for everyone:
>you can explore the levels to find all kinds of goodies, such as power packs to restore HP in a pinch, chaos orbs that can power you up to keep the pace going and the action awesome, and lots of other stuff
>you can head into champion halls to learn more about the environment around you and why you're here
>the game's non-linear and encourages replayability in order to keep the experience light, fun, and jam-packed with radicality
>dat art though

as for joining the team we run an irc channel on irc.oftc.net #rodeo, or just shoot me an email at admin@nekuzenteam.org if you have any personal questions at the moment, etc

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